Today is Fashion Revolution Day. On April 24, 2013, 1134 people were killed in a garment factory collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh. A further 2,500 people were injured. The negligent owners of the building were charged with murder. This disaster was a "wake up call" that brought attention to the risks associated with the fashion industry's fragmented supply chains that mask unsafe working conditions.
Fashion Revolution is an organization that challenges all of fashion's stakeholders to find out who made their clothes. By doing so, we can increase transparency and raise awareness around exploitation in fashion's supply chains.
We continue to remember and honor the workers who died in the name of fashion on this day 8 years ago, and to continue to push the industry to ensure safe and fair working conditions for all of fashion's workers.
This Fashion Revolution Day, we interviewed some of our workers at our MetaWear factory in India to help YES AND customers to understand and be able to answer the question, "Who made my clothes?"
It's important to know that most fast fashion brands do not know exactly where and how their clothes are made. As consumers, we can help by asking our favorite brands, "Who made my clothes?" At YES AND, we have a close relationship with our India partners and are always working to strengthen that connection, to ensure we can authentically claim that our organic cotton clothes are "made with love in India."
Did you learn anything new today? Want to get involved with Fashion Revolution? Check out or email us at!